Friday, January 4, 2008

Photo A Day--January 3rd

Gardner went to the store to pick up something to try to hook up our television today. But instead, he came home with this. I am very excited as I have been wanting one. It is not as nice as what I used to use at the Gym when we lived in America. And it really is a cheap thing. But that is the point. We couldn't afford something more expensive. And hopefully it will help me get back into shape this year. I need help after having the last two kids.


Dorothy said...

Very excited for you! I have access to a great gym, but I totally lack motivation!!

monica.coffman said...

That's definitely not a TV hook up. LOL Good luck with the exercise...I'm vowed to actually use the gym that I pay for each and every month!

SuzyQ said...

Woohoo! You go girl! I would love to have one of those for days that the weather is ugly outside.