Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Photo A Day--January 22

I think this is my newest addiction to helping me not lose weight during the month of January. These are called Rosinenschnekes. Basically translated to Raisin Snails. But really, they are like cinnamon rolls, without the cinnamon. They are so tasty, sweet and yummy!


Yvette Pupo-Heredia said...

Great picture!! Looka very yummy!

SuzyQ said...

That looks so yummy!

Cindy aka HappyStamper aka Sealion said...

Great. Now I'm hungry. LOL

Carla said...

OMG that looks so yummy.

Renee' Morris-Dezember said...

ohhhh that does look yummmy, I want one or two or maybe even three!