1. Will you be looking for a new job? No. My visa to live here in Germany states that I can not work while I live here.
2. What will you do different in '08? Show more affection to my husband because I love him more than he realizes since I don't show it that often.
3. New Year's Resolution(s)? Of course the same as every year: To lose weight, to control my temper, to be a good Mom and to get more organized.
4. Any trips planned? Oh, I want to go to America. That is a given. But we are also looking into taking the three bigger kids to Disney Paris.
5. Wedding plans? Nope. :giggle:
6. Baby plans? Tubes tied this year is my plan.
7. Major thing on your calendar? So far, the major thing on my calendar would be
Scrap Freak's Anniversary Crop in March and then the visit from the in-laws in October.
8. What can't you wait for? The Sun to finally shine in Germany.
9. What would you like to see happen different? I would love to see my kids get a long more and less fighting. I wish they would be more loving one towards another.
10. What about yourself will you be changing? I want to become a nicer Mom.
11. What happened in '07 that you didn’t think would ever happen? My mom came here to Germany to visit me.
12. Will you be nicer to the people you care about? I sure hope so. That is one of my goals.
13. Will you dress differently in '08 than you did in '07? Probably not.
14. Will you better your relationship with your family? Once again, I hope so.
15. Will you do volunteer work? I always do volunteer work. So I am going to say yes.
16. Do you expect '08 to be a good year for you? Yes.
17. How much did you change from this time last year til now? I have changed a lot. Being new in a foreign country last year was really hard. But now, I am more experienced. I've grown a lot through the trials and hardships I encountered.
18. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now? I hope so. I need to work on keeping in touch with old and new friends. Because it is sad when we move on.
19. Major lifestyle changes? Oh please let me become skinnier.
20. Will you be moving? Nope, doesn't look like it is in the cards for this year.
21. What will you make sure doesn't happen in '08 that happened in '07? I have no idea.